SawStop Blade Height FIX!!

I had a lower travel blade limit issue on my 1.75hp SawStop Professional cabinet saw and I couldn’t figure out the problem at first glance, so I went on-line to see it there was a known, common, or reported issue. I found very little in the way of identifying the exact cause or steps to take to fix it. There is a reported issue/fix for the industrial grade saw, but mine (the 1.75hp and 3hp are built with a different blade/motor carrier/lift) did not have any manufacturer videos that explained cause. I went off to the SawStop Forum, encountered a troll, may have said mean things to said troll, and may have been put in a forum time-out for suggesting that he ingest an entire satchel of Richards… I found the solution on another public forum, but no great pics or video was linked.

Anyhow, I thought I would video document and share the issue and fix in case anyone else goes looking.

SawStop instructions for repair:…

Forum Site where I found the answer:…

I really love the peace of mind that my SawStop table saw has given me. I use it a LOT and it has been a work horse for me for over 5 years. 100% unsponsored in any way. Just really like this saw.

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