Custom Sheet Metal for an Electrical Panel

After having our electrical panel swapped out for a modern 200Amp box by a licensed electrician (which I am not), there had to be a cover made for the existing Romex wire that was routed into the top of the box. I was quoted $400 to have one done by the guys who swapped the panel. Ummm…. Nope. No way that I am going to pay that as I can be cheap about things that I KNOW I can do myself, both legally and skill-wise, and that I have the time to complete.

Off to the shop I went and spent an hour marking out, cutting, and bending up a cover. I painted it in the garage – getting in trouble for the paint fumes along the way – and installed the cover the next day. Quick, easy, done right, looks good, and was cheap. All things that make my heart sing.