I find myself on camera a bunch hawking other peoples’ stuff and brands. Don’t get me wrong, there are some products, services, and people I love to recognize and want to support them both personally and professionally. I will continue to wear their gear both on and off camera. However, companies like GAP, Carhartt, BRCC, Nike, Patagonia, North Face, etc. probably don’t need the little attention I send their way.
Why not wear my own shirts and hoodies? My own logo? Well that is just what I am doing. I have designed and bought a few dad-bod large t-shirts for me and some close friends, two hoodie designs, and a few small and medium women’s v-neck shirts for my wife and a couple friends. Happy with how they have come out and have been wearing the bejesus out of them. No planning on selling any or putting them o my Etsy store though.

à la Iron Man’s arc reactor