I decided to spoil myself and order a set of new nail bags. I had a nicely broken in set of Occidental Leather Pro Framer bags that were stolen about 10 years ago. I didn’t have a bunch of spare cash then, so I replaced them with a decent set of Craftsmen leather bags. They were meant as a stop-gap and I tweaked them a little here and there to fit my needs. I was planning on buying a new set of Occidentals, but I used someone else’s rig that had a diagonal hammer and cat’s paw sheath and was blown away by how much I preferred that set up! I have been eye-balling a set of custom modular Akribis nail bags with that and some other cool features for about a year and finally was able to hit their once a month online store opening.
They came via USPS about 2 weeks after I ordered them and THAT DAY I was swapping out my tools from my old bags (they will go to my son who will get years of use out of them). I used them for the first time 3 days later to build a scaffold/brace for a project at the house. They fit PERFECTLY.
I am really happy with this purchase and the product/communication/customer service at Akribis leather. They are not cheap and the Occidentals are just as solid AND US Made. It was a hard choice, but it was the diagonal hammer sheath that finally sold me.