I spent a little time this weekend doing a quick re-organization of my molding and hand-planes in the shop. I cut some hardwood molding last week and hollows & rounds were scattered about on the bench and half were still in my wooden tool chest. I used an existing cabinet/bookcase and added a couple of shelves. The planes are now right by the bench to I have easy access to use and can see if any are out of place with just a quick glance.

As I populated plan rack, I decided to make a space for my often-used bench chisels. It took me a couple of hours or so and I got to cut some custom large cove molding on my table saw for the round chisel handles to pocket into.
I have had a 2” chisel with a crappy handle or years and decided that it was time to address the issue. I turned the original ill-fitted handle down on the wood lathe to fit properly, added some flair, and then cut a new brass end ferrule for the mallet end on the metal lathe. Finished with Corey’s tung oil and a topcoat of Axe Wax. This handle should out last me by a few decades.